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$10 limerick #8

There was a young lady at sea
Who complained that it hurt her to pee.
     Said the brawny old mate:
     That accounts for the fate
Of the cook, and the captain, and me.

Norman Douglas:
"It is to be hoped that the vessel carried a duly qualified surgeon, else one or the other of the sufferers might have been in hospital later on. A neglected clap is not all beer and skittles – beer, indeed, is strictly to be avoided, and jerky games may send the gonococks lower down with sad consequences, unless you are wearing a suspender. And even then....

"Readers will note the genial conciseness of these lines. How much truer poetry they are than a great deal of what is printed under that name!"

$10 Limerick No.9

Or Take Your Pick:

girl from Kilkenny Sappho of Greece girl of Pitlochry girl of Baroda
man of Peru man of Belgravia Royal Marine lady at sea
man of Devizes man of Australia man called McLean lady of Kew
man of the Cape lady named Skinner man of Kildare man of Cape Horn
Dean of Saint Paul's lady called Wylde student of John's man of Loch Leven